Children 7 – 17 years

Children 7 – 17 years (70,00 €)

Children 7 – 17 years

3 passengers

1 person can make a reservation



Children 7 – 17 years

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PERMANSIO TOURS – Permansio d.o.o. za usluge i turistička agencija

Selčinka 15, Sesvete 10360, Zagreb, Hrvatska

OIB: 71585541782

MB: 02973936

MBS: 080828198

Registarsko tijelo: Trgovački sud u Zagrebu

If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us using any of the provided contact methods. We are here to assist you!

Testimonials & reviews

Tripadvisor review Oct 2018.

We just got back from the trip to the Plitvice Lakes, a tour offered by Permansio Tours. It includes a stop at Rastoke, full lunch and tickets to the park, so you can skip standing in line to buy, you get the pre-purchased tickets and go in. There are a few company’s that offer the same trip or very similar, but here’s why I think Permansio is the best.

As mentioned, the owner of the company was our driver today, and he is a great guide! Very knowledgeable and friendly. We actually feel like we made a new friend here today. If you are into learning more of the culture and history of the area, and going to the Plitvice National Park, we highly recommend this company.

They pick up and drop off at your hotel. The relationship with this company and the restaurant is very good, and we felt like we were treated like family.

The customers who book with Permansio are their top priority.

We had a great time and we would use this company for any and all tours when we come back to Zagreb and surrounding area.

Tom G. USA

Civitatis review Sep 2019.

Excursión excelente. Cumplió totalmente nuestras expectativas. Contratamos la comida y fue estupenda, en un moderno restaurante llamado Plitvice. Comida tradicional con un toque de modernidad. La guia Gordana excepcional. En todo momento pendiente de nosotros. Muy buena profesional y muy simpatica y entrañ of Permansio Deluxe Getaways.

Beatriz , Toledo, Spain

Tripadvisor review Aug 2018

Damir Biondic' was our guide to the Plitvice Lakes.

He is a great guy and an excellent guide. Highly Recommeded

Johannes Richter

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