Steknite nove prijatelje i uspomene na našim zajedničkim turama

Grupni dnevni izleti

Book your tour today and let us take you on a journey of a lifetime.

Experience the thrill of flying in a helicopter and take in the breathtaking views of Lake Bled in Slovenia, a picture-perfect alpine lake surrounded by mountains and forests.

Discover the natural beauty of the Plitvice Lakes, a UNESCO World Heritage site that features cascading waterfalls and vibrant blue-green lakes. Relax and unwind at Opatija Beach, a stunning seaside resort known for its beautiful beaches, palm-lined promenades, and charming architecture. Our shared day tours are the perfect way to enjoy the sights and sounds of Croatia, with the added bonus of meeting other travelers and sharing unforgettable experiences.

Book your tour today and let us take you on a journey of a lifetime.

Premier natural water attraction

Plitvice Lakes Group Day Tour

Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of Plitvice Lakes, a magical destination where cascading waterfalls create a never-ending story.

Best of Slovenia in One Day

Bled, Ljubljana, and a Helicopter Tour

The stunning natural beauty of Bled Lake and the Julian Alps, followed by a delightful urban getaway in the charming and historic city of Ljubljana.

A Coastal Escape from Zagreb

Discovering Opatija

The perfect opportunity to escape the city and immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of the Adriatic coast, while experiencing the rich history and unique culture of Opatija.


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