

A common practice for almost all professional websites is yes they use cookies, so this app uses cookies. This page describes what information collect, how we use them, and why we sometimes have to store these cookies. You can read how you can prevent these cookies from being stored on your device, but this may reduce or 'tear down' certain elements of this application.

For more general information about cookies, see the Wikipedia article on HTTP cookies


Cookies are small files that your browser saves to disk when visiting our site. This allows our website to recognize your computer the next time you visit us to offer a personalized experience accordingly of your surfing. Cookies are not intended to spy on users and do not follow everything the user does and are not malicious code or virus. Also, cookies are not associated with spam or spam, they cannot save the password and are not intended solely for advertising or advertising. Information like Your name or email address will not be saved - web pages cannot be accessed by your personal information and files on your computer. In order to use 'cookies' in accordance with the Electronic Communications Act, the Protection Act personal data, EU Directives 2002/58 / EC and 95/46 / EC and the GDPR Directive, we need your consent.


This application uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widely used and the most trusted web analytics solutions provided by Google Inc. ( 'Google'). Google uses the data collected to monitor and test the use of this application, to prepare reports on its activities and sharing with other Google services. Google may collect the information collected used to contextualize and personalize your own ad network ads. gathered personal information: information about cookies and usage.


Temporary or session cookies are removed from your computer by closing your internet browser. With them, the internet - sites store temporary data, like items in a shopping cart.

Permanent cookies

Permanent or saved cookies remain on the computer after closing internet browser programs. With them, websites store information, such as name login and password so you don't have to login every time you visit a specific site. Permanent cookies will stay on your computer for days, months, even years.


Cookies from the first page come from the web site you are viewing and can be permanent or temporary. With these cookies, websites can store information that they will reuse the next time you visit that site.


You can always block the use of some or all of the cookies we use on our site, however, this may affect its functionality. The cookie settings box is at the bottom of this page. After selecting the settings, at any time you can also reset the cookie settings at the bottom of this page. You may additionally accept or decline some or all cookies by customizing your browser settings. The following links provide information on how to change the settings for some of most used web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Opera. Some browsers allow you to surf in 'incognito' mode, limiting the amount of data stored on your computer and automatically deleting permanent ones cookies set on your device when you finish your browsing session. There are also many applications third parties that you can add to your browser to block or manage cookies. You can also delete cookies that were previously placed in your browser by selecting the option to clear your browsing history while also including the option to delete cookies.

Definitions and legal references


Vaša privatnost i osobni podaci su nam bitni. Sukladno novoj Općoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka ažurirali smo naša Pravila privatnosti.

Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, ponekad na vaše uređaje pohranjujemo male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići.

Više o Pravilima privatnosti pročitajte ovdje.

Više o Pravilima o korištenju kolačića pročitajte ovdje.

Postavke o kolačićima možete urediti i/ili ažurirati ili obrisati prilikom svakog posjeta našoj stranici. O svemu više pročitajte u Pravilima o korištenju kolačića.

Google maps

Ova web stranica koristi Google Maps za prikaz podataka s karata. Kada koristi Google Maps, Google također obrađuje i koristi podatke o upotrebi funkcija karata od strane posjetitelja web mjesta.

Google tag manager

Analitički kolačići nam omogućavaju praćenje broja posjeta web-stranici, izvor dolaska, a temeljem tih podataka možemo poboljšati i rad same web-stranice. Ti nam kolačići govore koje su stranice više, a koje manje popularne te kako se posjetitelji kreću po web-stranici.

Google analytics

Napominjemo kako ova internetska stranica upotrebljava Google Analytics, uslugu analize korištenja internetske stranice, od tvrtke Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics koristi kolačiće, tekstualne datoteke, koje se pohranjuju na Vašem računalu i omogućuju analizu Vašeg korištenja ove internetske stranice.