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Airbus EC135 P2

Experience Luxury and Style

At Permansio Deluxe Getaways, we are dedicated to providing you with a class-apart experience that transcends ordinary travel. Step into a world of refined elegance, adventure, and pure delight with our Airbus EC135 P2 helicopter.


Airbus EC135 P2
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Airbus EC135 P2

Airbus EC135 P2
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Airbus EC135 P2

Airbus EC135 P2
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Airbus EC135 P2

Prepare for an experience that exudes elegance and sophistication as you embark on a class-apart adventure in the year 2024 with our Airbus EC135 P2 helicopter.

Accommodating up to 6 passengers, the EC135 P2 defines opulence in the air. Ideal for group escapades, romantic retreats, or private excursions, our helicopter offers an unparalleled and intimate experience.

Airbus EC135 P2, helicopter, elegance, sophistication, timeless masterpiece, aerial opulence, extraordinary performance, luxury and comfort, experienced pilots, group escapades, romantic retreats, private excursions, safety and satisfaction, intimate experience, Permansio Deluxe Getaways

Data - Airbus EC135 P2

CAPACITY6 passengers + 1 pilot

IDEALgroup escapades, romantic retreats, private excursions


ENGINES2x463 kW (621 shp) Pratt & Whitney Canada PW206B2

TECHNOLOGYthe latest safety features

SAFETYthe latest safety features and technology

EXPERIENCED PILOTStrained to the highest standards

Airbus EC135 P2 | Overview

01 Prepare for an experience that exudes elegance and sophistication as you embark on a class-apart adventure in the year 2024 with our Airbus EC135 P2 helicopter.

02 Crafted in 2006, our Airbus EC135 P2 is not merely a means of travel; it's a timeless masterpiece that symbolizes aerial opulence and refinement.

03 Propelled by 2 x 463 kW (621 shp) Pratt & Whitney Canada PW206B2 engines, our EC135 P2 delivers extraordinary performance, guaranteeing a journey of sheer luxury and comfort that sets new standards.

04 Your voyage is expertly guided by our seasoned pilot, ensuring that every moment in the sky is an exquisite spectacle. Relax and savor the breathtaking vistas below, knowing that your safety and satisfaction are our paramount concerns.

05 Accommodating up to 6 passengers, the EC135 P2 defines opulence in the air. Ideal for group escapades, romantic retreats, or private excursions, our helicopter offers an unparalleled and intimate experience.

06 At Permansio Deluxe Getaways, we are dedicated to providing you with a class-apart experience that transcends ordinary travel. Step into a world of refined elegance, adventure, and pure delight with our Airbus EC135 P2 helicopter. Secure your reservation today and prepare to witness the world from an unparalleled perspective that epitomizes sophistication.

Your Dream Flight, Tailored to You

At our company, we believe that the sky is not the limit - it's just the beginning.

If you don't find your desired private jet or helicopter in our current fleet, worry not. We are committed to making your journey as exceptional as you are. Regardless of the size or luxury level of the aircraft you're seeking, we'll leave no stone unturned until we find exactly what you need. Because when it comes to your travel, we understand that every detail counts.

Your dream flight is waiting – get in touch with us today.

Fly In Style!

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